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蔡朋枝特聘教授 明尼蘇達大學環境與職業衛生學博士 電話: +886-6-235-3535 ext. 5806 Email:pjtsai@mail.ncku.edu.tw |
- 作業環境工程控制方法之評估與設計
- 噪音管理與控制
- 工業安全衛生政策法令政策之研究
- 熱傷害評估與控制
- 空氣汙染控制
- 環境測定與健康危害風險評估
- 工業與環境衛生
- 高等作業環境測定
- 氣膠學
- 工業通風
- 暴露模式推估特論
- 職業安全衛生法規
- 空氣污染物特性分析
- 公共衛生
- 明尼蘇達大學環境與職業衛生博士
- 成功大學環境工程學碩士
- 中興大學環境工程學學士
- 成功大學環境保護暨安全衛生中心主任(2016~2017)
- 成功大學副教務長(2013~2015)
- 成功大學工業衛生科暨環境醫學研究所所長(1999~2002)(2024~)
- 成功大學工業衛生科暨環境醫學研究所特聘教授(2016~)
- 成功大學工業衛生科暨環境醫學研究所講師、副教授、教授(1995~2002)
- 中國醫藥大學公共衛生學院院長(2011~2013)
- 中華民國職業衛生學會 理事長(2005~2008)
- 美國華盛頓大學聖路易能源環境化學工程科學系訪問研究教授(2005~2006)
- 行政院勞委會勞工安全衛生研究所研究員兼館長(1995)
- 行政院勞委會勞工檢查處技士,技正,代科長(1987~1995)
- 臺灣省勞工檢查委員會第二組檢查員(1987)
- Editor/Editorial board member: Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2011 to present (SCI Journal)
- Editor/Editorial board member: TheScientificWorldJournal (Atmospheric Sciences Domain), 2011 to present (SCI Journal)
- Editor/Editorial board member: Frontiers in Oncology (Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Section), 2011 to present (SCI Journal)
- Editor/Editorial board member: Safety and Health at Work (SH@W), 2010 to present
- Editor/Editorial board member: Industrial Safety Quarterly Journal, 2002 to present
- Editor/Editorial board member: Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, 2001 to 2010
- Member, Recommended Exposure Limits for Chemical Substance, Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), 2003 to present
- Member, Occupational Disease Reviewing Board, Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan, Taiwan. 2003 to present.
- Consultant, Environmental Protection Unit, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2002 to present
- Committee Member, Air Pollution Protection Committee, Tainan County, Chia-Yi City, and Tainan City, 2002 to present
- President of Taiwan Occupational Health Association (TOHA) (2005-2008)
- President Emeritu of Taiwan Occupational Health Association (TOHA)(2008-present)
- Member of Taiwan Occupational Health Association (TOHA)(1996-present)
- Member of Taiwan Occupational Safety Association (TOSA) (2009-present)
- Member of Industrial Safety & Health Association, ROC (2006-present)
- Member of Chinese Association for Aerosol Research in Taiwan (CAART) (1998-present)
- Member of Taiwan Indoor Air Quality Association (CAART) (2007-present)
- Member of Taiwan Occupational Safety Association (2008-present)
- Khajonklin, T., Sun, Y.-M., Guo Y.-L. L., Hsu, H.-I, Yoon, C.S.,Lin, C.-Y., Tsai, P.-J.* (Corresponding author), Utilizing artificial neural networks for establishing hearing loss predicting models based on a longitudinal dataset and their implications for managing the hearing conservation program. Safety and Health at Work, 2024 (In press).
- Ho, M.-S., Lin, M.-Y., Wu, C.-D., Wang, J.-D., Young, L.-H., Hsu H.-T., Hwang, B.-F., Tsai, P.-J.* (Corresponding author), An Integrated Approach for Conducting long-term PM 2.5 Exposure and Health Impact Assessments for Residents of a City-scale. Aerosol and Air Quality Research,2024, 24: 230313 (https://doi.org/10.4209/aaqr.230313).
- Chen, C.-H., Tsai, P.-J., Chang, W.-W., Chen, C.-Y., Guo, Y. L.,Subpleural curvilinear lines as an early indicator of silicosis in artificial stone workers. Pulmonology, 2023, 22: S2531 (doi: 10.1016/j.pulmoe.2023.08.006).
- Lin, I-F., Tsai, P.-J., Wu, J.-L., Chin, W.-S., Lin, C.-Y., Guo, Y. L. The effect of cumulative noise exposure on distortion product otoacoustic emissions. International Journal of Audiology, 2023, 62: 886-892, 2023 (DOI:10.1080/14992027.2022.2106450
- Ho, M.-S., Lin, M.-Y., Wang, J.-D., Young, L.-H., Hsu H.-T., Hwang, B.-F., Tsai, P.-J.* (Corresponding author), An integrated approach to characterize temporal-spatial variations in PM2.5 concentrations at the ground level and its implication on health impact assessments. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022, https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2022.901754.
- Wang, Y.-F., Kuo, Y.-C., Lin, M.-Y., Tsai, P.-J.* (Corresponding author), Assessing lung and skin cancer risks for steel and iron manufacturing industry workers exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2021, https://doi.org/10.4209/aaqr.210160.
- Ker, Y.-F., Tsai, P.-J., Guo, H.-R., Application of Standardized Proportional Mortality Ratio to the Assessment of Health Risk in Relatively Healthy Populations: Using a Study of Cancer Risk in Telecommunication Workers with Excess Exposure to Acid Mists as an Example. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18: 9870.
- Chandrasekaran, V. R. M.; Periasamy, S.; Chien, S.-P.; Tseng, C.-H.; Tsai, P.-J.* (Corresponding author); Liu, M.-Y., Physical and psychological stress along with candle fumes induced cardiopulmonary injury mimicking restaurant kitchen workers. Current Research in Toxicology, 2021, 2: 246-253.
- Chen, C.-H, Tsai, P.-J., Wang, Y.-F., Pan, C.-H., Hung, P.-C., Ho, J.-J., Perng, D.-W., Nemery, B., Guo, Y.L., Respiratory health effects of the fiberglass-reinforced plastic lamination process in the yacht-building industry. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 2021, 47:62-69.
- Lin, M.-Y., Chen, Y.-C.; Lin, D.-Y. Hwang, B.-F.; Hsu, H.-T.; Cheng, Y.-H.; Liu, Y.-T.; Tsai, P.-J.* (Corresponding author), The effect of implementing electronic toll collection (ETC) in reducing highway particulate matter pollution. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 15, 9210–9216.
- Tsai, P.-J., Young, L.-H., Huang, B.-F., Lin, M.-Y., Chen, Y.-C., Hsy, H.-T., Source and health risk apportionment for PM 2.5 collected in Sha-Lu area, Taiwan. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2020, 851-858.
- Chen, J.-Y., Kuo, Y.-C., Wu, K.-J., Wang, S.-M., Chen, Y.-C., Tsai, P.-J.* (Corresponding author), Techniques for predicting exposures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) emitted from cooking processes for cooking workers. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2019, 19 : 307-317.
- Lin, C.-Y., Tsai, P.-J., Lin, K.-Y., Chen, C.-Y., Chung, L.-H., Wu, J.-L., Guo, Y.-L., Will daytime occupational noise exposures induce nighttime sleep disturbance? Sleep Medicine, 2018, 50: 87-96.
- Lin, M.-Y., Guo, Y.-X., Chen, Y.-C., Chen, W.-T., Young, L.-H., Lee, K.-J.,Wu, Z.-Y., Tsai, P.-J.* (Corresponding author), An instantaneous spatiotemporal model for predicting traffic-related ultrafine particle concentration through mobile noise measurements. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 636: 1139-1148
- W.- J. Chen, P.-J. Tsai , Comparing Workers’ Long Term Formaldehyde Exposures Using Modeling And Directreading Results In Bayesian Decision Analysis. ANOH2019:The 4th Asian Network of Occupational Hygiene Conference, Bangkok Thailand, 2019/11/9~ 2019/11/12.
- M.- W. Chen, P.- J. Tsai , A Study on Predicting Risk Factor Associated With Musculoskeletal Disorders of Care Aides Using The Artificial Neural Network Aproach. ANOH2019:The 4th Asian Network of Occupational Hygiene Conference, Bangkok Thailand, 2019/11/9~ 2019/11/12.
- T. Khajonklin1,P.-J. Tsai1, C.-Y. Lin2and H.-I. Hsu3, Using The Artificial Intelligence Approach For Managinghearing Losses Of Steel-making Industry Workers. ANOH2019:The 4th Asian Network of Occupational Hygiene Conference, Bangkok Thailand, 2019/11/9~ 2019/11/12.
- Chun-Yu Chen, Kua-Rong Wu, Yu-Cheng Chen, Perng-Jy Tsai*, Techniques for Predicting Exposures of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Emitted from Cooking Processes for Cooking Workers. AIHce 2019: American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Minneapolis, Minnesota Amercia, 2019/5/18~2019/5/23.
- Chun-Yu Chen, Chioa-Lin Shi, Yu-Chieh Kuo, Perng-Jy Tsai, Emissions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the Use of Scented Candles and Their Resultant Excessive Cancer Risks. EAC 2019: European Aerosol Conference, othenburg Sweden, 2019/8/25~ 2019/8/30..
- Tsai, P.-J., Lee, W.-J., Air pollution control devices for dust and volatile organic compounds, Patent No.: M517014, Date of Patent: Feb. 11, 2016.
- Lai, C.-Y., Tsai, P.-J., Tang, D.-T., Shih, T.-S., Lee, H.-Y., Lee, W.-Y., Uniform Aerosol Deposit Sampling Device. Republic of China Patent, Patent No.: I322866, Date of Patent: Apr. 1, 2010.
- Lai, C.-Y., Tsai, P.-J., Tang, D.-T., Shih, T.-S., Lee, H.-Y., Lee, W.-Y., Uniform Aerosol Deposit Sampling Device. United States Patent, Patent No.: US 7,582,146 B2, Date of Patent: Sep. 1, 2009.