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李俊璋特聘教授‧副校長 環境微量毒物研究中心主任 學術誠信推動辦公室主任 台灣大學環境工程學研究所博士 電話: +886-6-235-3535 ext.5596, +886-6-2744416 Email:cclee@mail.ncku.edu.tw |
- 空氣污染及其控制
- 環境毒物危險性評估與管理
- 環境微量毒物採樣分析
- 生物偵測
- 職業與環境衛生
- 環境毒物健康風險評估
- 空氣污染物特性分析
- 空氣污染物採樣分析含實驗
- 環境荷爾蒙
- 工業與環境衛生
- 高等作業環境測定
- 公共衛生
- 台灣大學環境工程學研究所博士
- 台灣大學環境工程學研究所碩士
- 台灣大學公共衛生學系學士
- 前瞻蝦類養殖國際研發中心主任(2024/02~)
- 成功大學健康服務暨數位治理推動辦公室副主任(2023/08~)
- 成功大學學術誠信推動辦公室主任(2022/02~)
- 成功大學副校長(2021~)
- 成功大學主任秘書(2016~2021)
- 成功大學環境保護暨安全衛生中心主任(2012~2016)
- 成功大學工業衛生學科暨環境醫學研究所所長(1996~1999)
- 成功大學工業衛生學科暨環境醫學研究所特聘教授(2014~)
- 成功大學工業衛生學科暨環境醫學研究所教授(2007~2015)
- 成功大學工業衛生學科暨環境醫學研究所副教授(1993~2007)
- 成功大學醫學院總務分處 主任(2007~2012)
- 成功大學環境微量毒物研究中心主任(1999~)
- 社團法人台灣室內環境品質學會理事長
- 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 董事
- 行政院環境保護署環境衛生及毒物管理處 科長
- 行政院衛生署環保局第五組二科 科長
- 台北市政府/市政顧問
- 台南市政府/土壤及地下水污染整治小組委員
- 台南市政府/中石化污染防治污染防治健康照護醫療專家諮詢小組委員
- 台南市政府/公害糾紛調處委員會委員
- 台南市政府/環境影響評估委員會委員
- 行政院國家科學委員會環境影響評估追蹤小組委員
- 行政院衛生福利部食品藥物管理署/施政暨研究發展諮議小組委員
- 行政院衛生福利部食品藥物管理署/食品安全風險評估咨議會委員
- 行政院衛生福利部食品藥物管理署/食品衛生安全與營養咨議會委員
- 行政院衛生福利部食品藥物管理署/食品藥物管理(風險分析領域)諮詢專家
- 行政院環境保護署/毒性化學物質管理諮詢委員會委員
- 行政院環境保護署環境影響評估審查委員會 審查委員
- 行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所/檢驗測定機構現場評鑑專家
- 社團法人中華民國環境分析學會/環境分析學會理事
- 社團法人中華民國職業衛生學會/理、監事
- 社團法人台灣中華民國環境分析學會/理事兼公共事務委員會召集人
- 社團法人台灣室內空氣品質學會/常務理事
- 社團法人台灣室內環境品質學會/理事長
- 社團法人臺灣公共衛生促進協會/理事
- 社團法人臺灣環境管理學會/監事
- 財團法人台灣建築中心/綠建材標章審查委員
- 財團法人台灣建築中心/綠建材標章審查委員會委員低逸散健康綠建材評定小組召集人
- 財團法人高等教育評鑑中心/評鑑委員
- 財團法人高等教育評鑑中心基金會/大專院校系所評鑑公共衛生學門評鑑委員
- 財團法人國家政策研究基金會/永續發展組顧問
- 財團法人國家政策研究基金會/特約研究員
- 高雄市政府/土壤及地下水污染廠址改善推動小組委員
- 高雄市政府/環境影響評估審查委員會委員
- 嘉南藥理科技大學/嘉南藥理科技大學自我評鑑訪視委員
- 嘉義縣政府/公害糾紛調處委員會委員
- 嘉義縣政府/環境影響評估審查委員會委員
- 臺灣綠色大學聯盟/常務理事
- 臺灣職業衛生學會/常務理事
- Aerosol and Air Quality Research/Associate Editor
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management/SCI期刊稿件審查人
- Chemosphere/SCI期刊稿件審查人
- Environmental Engineering Science/SCI期刊稿件審查人
- Environmental Health Perspectives/SCI期刊稿件審查人
- Environmental International/SCI期刊稿件審查人
- Environmental Science and Technology/SCI期刊稿件審查人
- Environmental Technology/SCI期刊稿件審查人
- Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China/SCI期刊稿件審查人
- Indoor Air/SCI期刊稿件審查人
- Indoor and Built Environment/Associate Editor
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health/SCI期刊稿件審查人
- Journal of Environmental and Public Health/SCI期刊稿件審查人
- Journal of Hazardous Materials/SCI期刊稿件審查人
- Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association/SCI期刊稿件審查人
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine/SCI期刊稿件審查人
- Samuel Herianto, Rachelle D. Arcega, Chih-Yao Hou, How-Ran Chao, Ching-Chang Lee, Chia-Min Lin, Trias Mahmudiono, Hsiu-Ling Chen⁎, Chemical decontamination of foods using non-thermal plasmaactivated water, Science of the Total Environment 874 (2023) 162235. (SCI IF=10.753, rank=26/279=9.32% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2021)
- Ching-Chang Lee, Bo-Lun Lin, Yi-Wen Huang, Ning-Syuan Hsu, I-Chia Chen, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Simultaneous determination of 24 congeners of 2- and 3‑monochloropropanediol esters and 7 congeners of glycidyl esters using direct multi-residue analytical LC-MS/MS methods in various food matrice, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, October, Volume 31(1), Pages 55-72, 15 Mar 2023. (SCI IF=3.6, rank = 55/142 =38.73% in Food Sciences, JCR 2022)
- Tsung-Ho Ying, Chun-Jui Huang, Chia-Jung Hsieh, Pei-Ju Wu, Chang-Ching Yeh, Ping-Kun Hung, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Meng-Hsing Wu, Hsin Hung, Jung-Wei Chang, Chen-Tai Wang, Rachelle D. Arcega, Trias Mahmudiono, Ching-Chang Lee (equally contribution with corresponding author), Hsiu-Ling Chen, Potential factors associated with the blood metal concentrations of reproductive-age women in Taiwan, Exposure and Health, 10 March 2023 . (SCI IF=8.835, rank = 5/100= 5% in Water Resources, JCR 2021)
- Rachelle D. Arcega, Rong-Jane Chen, Pei-Shan Chih, Yi-Hsuan Huang, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Ting-Khai Kong, Ching-Chang Lee, Trias Mahmudiono, Chun-Chih Tsui, Wen-Che Hou, Hsin-Ta Hsueh, Hsiu-Ling Chen, Toxicity prediction: An application of alternative testing and computational toxicology in contaminated groundwater sites in Taiwan, Journal of Environmental Management 328(116982) ,7 JAN 2023). (SCI IF=8.91, rank = 34/279 = 12.19% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2021)
- Ken-Pen Weng, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Ching-Chang Lee, Kuang-Jen Chien,1 Kai-Sheng Hsieh6 and Shi-Hui Huang, The Potential Biomarker of Di(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate Exposure during Catheterization, Acta Cardiol. Sin., Volume 38(6), Pages 691-699, NOV 2022. (SCI IF=1.800, rank = 119/143=83.22% in Cardiovascular System & Cardiology, JCR 2021)
- Ching-Chang Lee, Bo-Lun Lin, Yi-Wen Huang, Ning-Syuan Hsu, I-Chia Chen, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Simultaneous determination of 24 congeners of 2- and 3‑monochloropropanediol esters and 7 congeners of glycidyl esters using direct multi-residue analytical LC-MS/MS methods in various food matrice, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, October, 2022. (SCI IF=6.2, rank = 27/143 = 18.88% in Food Sciences, JCR 2021)
- Nai-Tzu Chen, Ching-Hui Shih, Chien-Cheng Jung, Nai-Yun Hsu, Chung-Yu Chen, Ching-Chang Lee, Huey-Jen Su, Impact of mold growth on di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate emission from moist wallpaper, Heliyon 8 (2022) e10404, (SCI IF=3.776, rank = 28/135 = 20.14% in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES, JCR 2021)
- Wei-Hsiang Chang, Quang-Oai Lu, Hsiu-Ling Chen, Ning-Syuan Hsu, Ching-Chang Lee* (corresponding author), Insights into the long-term fates and impacts of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in sediment samples in Taiwan: The national project for background monitoring of the environmental distribution of chemical substances (BMECs), Environmental Pollution. 306, 119417. AUG, 2022, (SCI IF=9.988, rank=28/279=10.04% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2021)
- Wei-Hsiang Chang, Pei-Hsuan Chen, Samuel Herianto, Hsiu-Ling Chen, Ching-Chang Lee* (corresponding author), Aggregating exposures and toxicity equivalence approach into an integrated probabilistic dietary risk assessment for perchlorate, nitrate, and thiocyanate: Results from the National food monitoring study and National Food Consumption Database, Environmental Research, FEB, 2022, (Already accepted, SCI IF=6.498, rank=16/203=7.88% in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, JCR 2020)
- Lee, Ching-Chang; Wu, Yi-Yun; Chen, Colin S.; Tien, Chien-Jung, Spatiotemporal distribution and risk assessment of short-chain chlorinated paraffins in 30 major rivers in Taiwan, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, Volume 806(4),150969, FEB 1 ,2022,( SCI IF=7.963, rank=25/274=9.1% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2020)
- Lee, Ching-Chang; Chang, Wei-Hsiung; Hung, Chung-Feng; Chen, Hsiu-Ling, Fish consumption is an indicator of exposure to non-dioxin like polychlorinated biphenyls in cumulative risk assessments based on a probabilistic and sensitive approach, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, Volume268(B)115732, JAN 1,2021. (SCI IF=8.071, rank=23/274=8.4% in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, JCR 2020)
- Liu, Pei-Wen; Li, Chung-, I; Huang, Kuo-Ching; Liu, Chiang-Shin; Chen, Hsiu-Lin; Lee, Ching-Chang; Chiou, Yuan-Yow; Chen, Rong-Jane,3-MCPD and glycidol coexposure induces systemic toxicity and synergistic nephrotoxicity via NLRP3 inflammasome activation, necroptosis, and autophagic cell death, . Journal of hazardous materials, 405,124241, MAR 5 2021 (SCI IF=10.588, rank=10/274=3.6% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2020).
- Wu-Ting Lin, Chung-Yu Chen, Ching-Chang Lee* (corresponding author), Cheng-Chen Chen* and Shih-Chi Lo, Air Phthalate Emitted from Flooring Building Material by the Micro-Chamber Method: Two-Stage Emission Evaluation and Comparison, Toxics, Volume 9(9),216 ,September, 2021 (SCI IF=4.146, rank=30/93=32.3% in Toxicology, JCR 2020)
- Ching-Chang Lee, Colin S.Chen, Zi-Xuan Wang, Chien-Jung Tien, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in 30 river ecosystems, Taiwan: Sources, and ecological and human health risks, Science of the Total Environment. Volume795, 148867, NOV 15, 2021 (Already accepted,( SCI IF=7.963, rank=25/274=9.1% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2020)
- Wei-Hsiang Chang, Samuel Herianto, Ching-Chang Lee, Hsin Hung, and Hsiu-Ling Chen, The Effects of Phthalate Ester Exposure on Human Health: A Review, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 786, 147371 , 10 September 2021 ( SCI IF=7.963, rank=25/274=9.1% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2020)
- Po-Chin Huang, Pao-Lin Kuo, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Shu-Fang Shih, Wan-Ting Chang, Ching-Chang Lee (corresponding author), Prenatal Phthalates Exposure and Cord Thyroid Hormones: A Birth Cohort Study in Southern Taiwan, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(8), 4323, April 2021 (SCI IF=3.39, rank=68/203=33.5% in PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, JCR 2020)
- Ching-Chang Lee; Yi-Hsin Lin; Wen-Che Hou; Meng-Han Li; Jung-Wei Chang, Exposure to ZnO/TiO2 Nanoparticles Affects Health Outcomes in Cosmetics Salesclerks, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(17):6088, Sep 2020 (SCI IF=2.849, rank=32/171=18.71% in PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, JCR 2019).
- Wei-Hsiang Chang, Hsiu-Ling Chen, Ching-Chang Lee (corresponding author), Dietary exposure assessment to perchlorate in the Taiwanese population: A risk assessment based on the probabilistic approach. Environmental Pollution, Volume 267, Pages 115486, Auguest 2020 (SCI IF=6.792, rank=21/265=7.92% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2019).
- Ching-Chang Lee, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Hsin-Tang Lin, Jung-Wei Chang, Spatiotemporal Patterns of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans and Dioxin-like Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Foodstuffs in Air Quality Regions in Taiwan, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, Volume 28, Pages 375-398, July 2020 (SCI IF=4.727, rank=13/139=9.35% in Food Science and Technology, JCR 2019).
- Ching-Chang Lee, Chia-Yi Hsieh, Colin S.Chen, Chien-Jung Tien. Emergent contaminants in sediments and fishes from the Tamsui River (Taiwan): Their spatial-temporal distribution and risk to aquatic ecosystems and human health. Environmental Pollution, 258, 113733, March 2020. (SCI IF=5.714, rank=25/251=9.96% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2018).
- Ching-Chang Lee, Ying Shen, Chun-Wei Hsu, Jer-Pei Fong, Shi-Nian Uang, Jung-Wei Chang. Reduced adiponectin:leptin ratio associated with inhalation exposure to vinyl chloride monomer. Science of the Total Environment, 12:135488, Nov 2019. (SCI IF=5.589, rank=27/251=10.7% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2018).
- Ching-Chang Lee, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Hsiu-Ling Chen. Dietary exposure and risk assessment of exposure to hexabromocyclododecanes in a Taiwan population. Environmental Pollution, 249:728-734, Jun 2019. (SCI IF=5.714, rank=25/251=9.96% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2018).
- Wei-Hsiang Chang, Yuh-Shyan Tsai, Jia-YuWang, Hsiu-Ling Chen, Wen-HorngYang, Ching-Chang Lee (corresponding author). Sex hormones and oxidative stress mediated phthalate-induced effects in prostatic enlargement. Environment International, 126:184-192, May 2019. (SCI IF=7.943, rank=8/251=3.19% in Environmental Science, JCR 2018).
- Wei-Hsiang Chang, Shou-Chun Liu, Hsiu-Ling Chen, Ching-Chang Lee (corresponding author), Dietary intake of 4-nonylphenol and bisphenol A in Taiwanese population: Integrated risk assessment based on probabilistic and sensitive approach, Environmental Pollution, 244, 143-152, Jan 2019. (SCI IF=5.714, rank=25/251=9.96% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2018).
- Kun-Chih Huang, Yaw-Shyan Tsay, Fang-Ming Lin, Ching-Chang Lee (equally contribution with corresponding author), Jung-Wei Chang (corresponding author), Efficiency and performance tests of the sorptive building materials that reduce indoor formaldehyde concentrations, PLOS ONE, 14(1), e0210416 Jan 24, JAN 2019, (SCI IF=2.4, rank=27/71=38.03% in Multidisciplinary Sciences, JCR 2019).
- Wei-Hsiung Chang, Ching-Chang Lee (equally contribution with corresponding author), Yun-He Yen, Hsiu-Ling Chen, Oxidative damage in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate, cancer co-exposed to phthalates and to trace elements, Environment International, 121, 1179-1184,Dec 2018. (SCI IF=7.943, rank=9/250=3.6% in Environmental Science, JCR 2018).
- Chien-YingYan, Siang-Chen Wu, Ching-Chang Lee, Yang-hsinShih, Translocation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers from field-contaminated soils to an edible plant. Journal of hazardous materials, 351, 215-223, June 2018 (SCI IF=7.650, rank=12/250=4.8% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2018).
- g, Kai-Wei Liao, Jung-Wei Chang, Shiou-Hui Chan, Ching-Chang Lee, (corresponding author), Characterization of phthalates exposure and risk for cosmetics and perfume sales clerks. Environmental Pollution, 233, 577-587, Feb 2018. (SCI IF=5.714, rank=25/250=10% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2018)
- Ching-Chang Lee, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Hsiu-Ling Chen, Ken-Hui Chang, Chao-heng Tseng. Improvement efficiency of indoor air quality for elementary schools using FVAS and other management strategies in Taiwan, 11th international conference on indoor air quality, ventilation & energy conservation in buildings, 2023<
- 張偉翔(W.H, Chang), 李俊璋(C.C, Lee). The Investigation of Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins in Foods and Health Risk Assessment, 2023 年(第37 屆)環境分析化學研討會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,
- 李俊璋(C.C, Lee). Analytical method development of polychlorinated naphthalenes in sediment and fish using gas chromatography–triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry, 2023 年(第37 屆)環境分析化學研討會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,
- 李俊璋(C.C, Lee). Hourly Temporal and Spatial Variation of Indoor Particulate Matter in Different Household Types, 2023 年(第37 屆)環境分析化學研討會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,2023年5月17-18日。
- 劉品廷(P.T, Liu), 張偉翔(W.H, Chang), 李俊璋(C.C, Lee). The Occurrence and biota-sediment accumulation Factors of Perfluoroalkyl substances from Sediment and Fish in Principal River Environment around Taiwan, 2023 年(第37 屆)環境分析化學研討會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,2023年5月17-18日。
- Po-Cheng, Chen, Ching-Chang Lee, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Wan-Yu Huang. The Occurrence and Bioaccumulation of Perfluoroalkyl substances in Principal River Environment around Taiwan, 2022年(第 36 屆)環境分析化學研討會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,2022年8月31日至9月1日。
- 柯佳利(J.L,Ke), 李俊璋(C.C, Lee) ,張偉翔(W.H, Chang) Temporal/Spatial Profile and Sources Investigation of Phthalate esters in sediment and fish from Taiwan principle rivers台灣地區主要河川底泥與魚體中鄰苯二甲酸酯含量之時空分布及來源探討,2022年(第 36 屆)環境分析化學研討會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,2022年8月31日至9月1日。
- 張哲維(C.W, Chang), 張偉翔(W.H, Chang), 李俊璋(C.C, Lee) The Occurrence and Bioaccumulation of Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins in Sediment and Fish in Principal River Environment around Taiwan,2022年(第 36 屆)環境分析化學研討會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,2022年8月31日至9月1日。
- 劉光威(Q-O, Lu), 張偉翔(W.H, Chang), 榮建誠(Chien-Cheng Jung), 朱宏杰(H-J, Chu), 李俊璋(C.C, Lee),Ensembled model to improve residential indoor PM2.5 estimation for Personal Exposure Prediction,Indoor air 2022,2022/6/12-16芬蘭 (Finland)。
- 黃婉瑜(W.Y, Huang), 張偉翔(W.H, Chang), 李俊璋(C.C, Lee) The Occurrence of Perfluoroalkyl substances of Sediment and Fish in Principal River Environment around Taiwan 台灣地區主要河川底泥及魚體中全氟烷基化合物流布研究, 2021 年(第35 屆)環境分析化學研討會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,2021年6月29-30日。
- Lan I, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Ching-Chang Lee. Risk Assessment and Management of Dietary Exposure to Phthalate Esters for Taiwanese, 2021 年(第35 屆)環境分析化學研討會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,2021年6月29-30日。
- Chia-Hui Chieh, Yu-Hsuan Liu, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Ching-Chang Lee. Exposure characteristics of indoor organophosphate flame retardants via multiple exposures routes in children, 2021 年TSIEQ研討會,台灣,國立成功大學,2021年6月3-4日。(學生論文競賽獎第二名)
- Jyun-Yi Ciou, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Chien-Cheng Jung, Ching-Chang Lee. Investigating associations between building characteristics, PM2.5 and organophosphate flame retardants in Tainan households. TSIEQ 2021年亞洲室內環境品質、健康防疫與智慧生活研討會,台灣室內環境品質協會、國立成功大學,2021年6月3-4日。
- Wan-Yu Luo, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Ching-Chang Lee. Long Term Exposure Assessment of Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans for Operation Workers of Municipal Waste Incinerators: 2008-2020. 2021年職業衛生暨職業醫學國際學術研討會,台灣臺北醫學大學,2021年4月23-25日。
- Yu-Hsuan Liu, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Ching-Chang Lee. Occurrences and characterization of organophosphate flame retardants in indoor air and dust: a multi‐location households study. Indoor air 2020 Seoul, Korea, Nov 1-3, 2020.
- Ya-Hsuan Tasi, Yu-Wen Chang, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Meng-Xing Wu, Zhen-Xiang You, Ching-Chang Lee. The effects of maternal exposure to thyroid disrupting substances on the growth and development of newborns, 2020年公共衛生聯合年會暨學術研討會,2020年10月17-18日。
- Wei-Hsiang Chang, Hsiu-Ling Chen, Ching-Chang Lee. Sex hormones and oxidative stress promote the development of prostatic hyperplasia with phthalate exposures. 2020公衛聯合年會學術研討會,台灣,國立臺灣師範大學,2020年10月17-18日。
- 黃婉瑜(W.Y, Huang), 張偉翔(W.H, Chang), 李俊璋(C.C, Lee). Occurrence of Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins in sediment and fish from Taiwan principal rivers and biota-sediment accumulation Factors, 2020 年(第34 屆)環境分析化學研討會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,2020年8月26-27日。(榮獲2020年優良論文獎)
- Ning-Syuan Hsu, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Ching-Chang Lee. Temporal/Spatial Profile and Sources Investigation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in sediment from Taiwan principle rivers. 2020 環境分析化學研討會,台灣環境檢驗所,2020年8月26-27日。
- Chia-Hui Chieh, Yu-Hsuan Liu, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Ching-Chang Lee. The investigation of indoor/outdoor airborne organophosphate flame retardants and the relationship between those distribution with environmental conditions in Taiwan households, 2020 年(第34 屆)環境分析化學研討會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,2020年8月26-27日。
- Ya-Hsuan Tasi, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Ching-Chang Lee. Regional Profile and Sources Explore of Nonylphenol and Bisphenol A in Sediments of Taiwan Principal Rivers, 2020 年(第34 屆)環境分析化學研討會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,2020年8月26-27日。
- 黃婉瑜(W.Y, Huang), 張偉翔(W.H, Chang), 李俊璋(C.C, Lee). The Occurrence of Perfluoroalkyl substances of Sediment and Fish in Principal River Environment around Taiwan, 2021 年(第35 屆)環境分析化學研討會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,2020年6月29-30日。
- Mei-Chen Cheng, Yu-Wen Chang, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Meng-Hsing Wu, Chen-Hsiang Yu, Ching-Chang Lee. Potential Sources of thyroid disrupting chemicals and its effects of the neonatal development. 2019公衛聯合年會學術研討會,台灣國立臺灣大學,2019年9月26-28日。
- Ching-Chang Lee and Yi-Yun Wu. The Occurrence and Bioaccumulation of Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins in Sediment and Fish in Principal Rivers around Taiwan. 39th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Kyoto, Japan, August 25-30, 2019.
- Jung-Wei Chang, Ching-Chang Lee, Wei-Hsiang Chang. Temporal trends and spatial distribution of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in Taiwan foodstuffs. 39th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Kyoto, Japan, August 25-30, 2019.
- Wei-Hsiang Chang and Ching-Chang Lee. Estimated daily intake and cumulative risk assessment of perchlorate via diverse foods for Taiwanese populations. 39th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Kyoto, Japan, August 25-30, 2019.
- Hsiu-Ling Chen and Ching-Chang Lee. Temporal and spatial trend of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofuran and dioxin like polychlorinated biphenyl levels in food from Taiwan markets during 2004 to 2012 and 2013 to 2018. 39th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Kyoto, Japan, August 25-30, 2019.
- Sze Ting Choi, Hsiu-Ling Chen, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Ching-Chang Lee. The investigation of dioxins and dioxin-like polychlorobiphenyls in food and exposure assessment in Taiwan air quality maintenance zones. 2019食品衛生檢驗科技研討會,台灣嘉義永在食安大樓,2019年8月21-22日
- Ching-Chang Lee, Wei-Hsiang Chang and Guan-Liang Wu. Occurrence and profiles of phthalates in processed food from Taiwan and their implications for human exposure. International Association for Food Protection 2019 Annual Meeting (IAFP 2019), Louisville, Kentucky, United States, July 21-24, 2019.
- Wei-Hsiang Chang and Ching-Chang Lee. Estimated daily intake and cumulative risk assessment of perchlorate via diverse foods for Taiwanese populations. International Association for Food Protection 2019 Annual Meeting (IAFP 2019), Louisville, Kentucky, United States, July 21-24, 2019.
- Hsiu-Ling Chen and Ching-Chang Lee. Risk assessment for non-dioxin like polychlorinated biphenyls exposure from food consumption in Taiwanese. International Association for Food Protection 2019 Annual Meeting (IAFP 2019), Louisville, Kentucky, United States, July 21-24, 2019.
- Yi-Wen Huang, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Ching-Chang Lee. Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Nonylphenol and Bisphenol A in sediment from Taiwan principal rivers and influence factors. 第33屆環境分析化學研討會暨學會年會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,2019年5月16-17日。
- Yu-Hsuan Liu, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Ching-Chang Lee. 室內環境空氣、灰塵及皮膚擦拭樣品中有機磷耐燃劑分析方法開發研究。第33屆環境分析化學研討會暨學會年會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,2019年5月16-17日。
- Ching-Chang Lee and Yi-Yun Wu. The Occurrence and Bioaccumulation of Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins in Sediment and Fish in Principal Rivers around Taiwan. 39th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Kyoto, Japan, August 25-30, 2019.
- Jung-Wei Chang, Ching-Chang Lee, Wei-Hsiang Chang. Temporal trends and spatial distribution of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in Taiwan foodstuffs. 39th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Kyoto, Japan, August 25-30, 2019.
- Wei-Hsiang Chang and Ching-Chang Lee. Estimated daily intake and cumulative risk assessment of perchlorate via diverse foods for Taiwanese populations. 39th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Kyoto, Japan, August 25-30, 2019.
- Hsiu-Ling Chen and Ching-Chang Lee. Temporal and spatial trend of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofuran and dioxin like polychlorinated biphenyl levels in food from Taiwan markets during 2004 to 2012 and 2013 to 2018. 39th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Kyoto, Japan, August 25-30, 2019.
- Ching-Chang Lee, Wei-Hsiang Chang and Guan-Liang Wu. Occurrence and profiles of phthalates in processed food from Taiwan and their implications for human exposure. International Association for Food Protection 2019 Annual Meeting (IAFP 2019), Louisville, Kentucky, United States, July 21-24, 2019.
- Wei-Hsiang Chang and Ching-Chang Lee. Estimated daily intake and cumulative risk assessment of perchlorate via diverse foods for Taiwanese populations. International Association for Food Protection 2019 Annual Meeting (IAFP 2019), Louisville, Kentucky, United States, July 21-24, 2019.
- Hsiu-Ling Chen and Ching-Chang Lee. Risk assessment for non-dioxin like polychlorinated biphenyls exposure from food consumption in Taiwanese. International Association for Food Protection 2019 Annual Meeting (IAFP 2019), Louisville, Kentucky, United States, July 21-24, 2019.
- Yu-Wen Chang, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Yu-Ping Fu, Ching-Chang Lee. Study on Association between Prenatal Exposure to Perchlorate, Nitrate, and Thiocyanate with Fetus Development. 2019國際職業衛生研討會,台灣台南長榮大學,2019年3月7-8日。(榮獲張火炎教授紀念獎學金)
- Ching-Chang Lee, The effects of phthalate metabolites on testicular function in male adult, 2019 2nd International Conference on Agriculture, Food and Biotechnology (ICAFB 2019), 新加坡2019年1月22-25日
- 李俊璋,The Occurrence of Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins in Sediment and Fish in Principal River Environment around Taiwan 台灣地區主要河川底泥及魚體中短鏈氯化石蠟流布研究,The 4th Cross-Strait Conference of Environmental Analytical Chemisty第四屆海峽兩岸環境分析化學學術研討會,中國大陸香港,2018年12月16-20日。
- 李俊璋,環境因子對室內建材VOCs及HCHO逸散影響研究,2018中國環境科學學會科學技術年會,中國安徽合肥,2018年8月3-5日。
- Ching-Chang Lee and Wei-Hsiang Chang. Occurrence of Perchlorate in Bottled water, Beverage and Tea from Taiwan Market by High Performance Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry. International Association for Food Protection 2018 Annual Meeting (IAFP 2018), Salt Lake City, Utah, United State, July 8-11, 2018.
- Wei-Hsiang Chang, Hsiu-Ling Chen, Shou-Chun Liu, Ching Chang Lee. Background Monitoring of Nonylphenol and Bisphenol a Levels in Foods Around Taiwan and BPA Migrating Test from Packaging Materials of Coffee Products. International Association for Food Protection 2018 Annual Meeting (IAFP 2018), Salt Lake City, Utah, United State, July 8-11, 2018.
- Hsiu-Ling Chen, Ching Chang Lee, Wei-Hsiang Chang. Integrated Risk Assessment of nonylphenol and bisphenol A through dietary intake in Taiwan population. International Association for Food Protection 2018 Annual Meeting (IAFP 2018), Salt Lake City, Utah, United State, July 8-11, 2018.
- Yu-Ping Fu, Wei-Hsiang Chang, Meng-Hsing Wu, Horng-Yih Ou, Ching-Chang Lee. Urinary perchlorate and thiocyanate are associated with thyroid function in pregnant women. Conference of International Society for Environmental Epidemiology and International Society of Exposure Science-Asia Chapter 2018 (ISEE/ES AC 2018), Taipei, Taiwan, June 21-25, 2018.
- 張毓文 (Y.W, Chang), 張偉翔 (W.H, Chang), 李俊璋(C.C, Lee). Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in sediment from Taiwan principal rivers: levels, spatial and seasonal distribution and influence factors, 2018 年(第32 屆)環境分析化學研討會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,2018年5月3-4日。
- 吳冠良(G.L, Wu),張偉翔(W.H, Chang),李俊璋(C.C, Lee). The investigation of the association between phthalate levels in foodstuffs with different packaging materials, 2018 年(第32 屆)環境分析化學研討會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,2018年5月3-4日。
- 陳珮瑄(P.H, Chen), 張偉翔(W.H, Chang), 李俊璋(C.C, Lee). Monitoring and exposure risk assessment of perchlorate in bottled water, tea and tea drinks, 2018 年(第32 屆)環境分析化學研討會,台灣桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,2018年5月3-4日。
- Yi-Hsin Lin, Jung-Wei Chang, Wen-Che Hou, Meng-Han Lee, Ching-Chang Lee. The Association between Nanoparticles Exposure and Health Outcomes in Cosmetic Sales Clerk, 2018 國際職業衛生研討會暨第九屆海峽兩岸職業衛生學術交流會,台灣台中弘光大學,2018年3月7-9日。
- Yang Wu, Jinquan Li, Biao Yan, Yuqing Zhu, Xudong Liu, Mingqing Chen, Dai Li, Ching-Chang Lee, Xu Yang, Ping Ma, Oral exposure to dibutyl phthalate exacerbates chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis through oxidative stress in female Wistar rats. Scientific Reports, 7(1):15469, Nov 2017. (SCI IF=4.22, rank=12/64=18.75% in Multidisciplinary Sciences, JCR 2017).
- Chien-Yuan Huang, Ching-Chang Lee, Jung-Wei Chang, Ya-Yun Cheng, Yau-Chang Kuo, How-Ran Guo, Chen-Long Wu, Association Between Dioxin and Metabolic Syndrome by Age and Sex in an Endemic Area of Exposure in Taiwan, Epidemiology, Suppl 1:S82-S88, Oct 2017 (SCI IF=4.991, rank=12/336=3.57% in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, JCR 2017).
- Chu-Chih Chen, Yin-Han Wang, Shu-Li Wang, Po-Chin Huang, Shu-Chun Chuang , Mei-Huei Chen, Bai-Hsiun Chen, Chien-Wen Sun, Hsiao-Chun Fu, Ching-Chang Lee, Ming-Tsang Wu, Mei-Lien Chen, Chao A. Hsiung, Exposure sources and their relative contributions to urinary phthalate metabolites among children in Taiwan, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health,220(5),869-879,Jul 2017 (SCI IF=4.848, rank=14/336=4.16% in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, JCR 2017).
- Chih-Hsin Tsai, Chu-Chih Chen, Ming-Tsang Wu, Mei-Lien Chen, Shu-Li Wang,, Bai-Hsiun Chen, Ching-Chang Lee, Jouni J. K. Jaakkola, Wen-Chiu Wu, Min-Kung Chen, Chao A. Hsiung,,**, RAPIT Group, Intellectual Evaluation of Children Exposed to Phthalate-Tainted Products After the 2011 Taiwan Phthalate Episode, Environmental Research,156,158-166 ,Jul 2017 (SCI IF=4.732, rank=24/241=9.961% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2017)
- Jung-Wei Chang, Ching-Chang Lee (equally contribution with first author), Wei-Chun Chou, Hung-Che Chiang, Po-Chin Huang, Estimated Daily Intake and Cumulative Risk Assessment of Phthalates in the General Taiwanese after the 2011 DEHP Food Scandal. Sicentific Reports, 7, 45009, Mar 22 2017 (SCI IF=4.122, rank=12/64=18.75% in Multidisciplinary Sciences, JCR 2017)
- Wei-Hsiang Chang, Meng-Hsing Wu, Hsien-An Pan, Pao-Lin Guo, Ching-Chang Lee, (corresponding author), Semen quality and insulin-like factor 3: associations with urinary and seminal levels of phthalate metabolites in adult males, Chemosphere,173,594-602, Apr 2017 (SCI IF=4.27, rank=34/241=14.1% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2017)
- Chu-Wen Yang, Ching-Chang Lee, His Ku, Bea-Ven Chang, Bacterial communities associated with anaerobic debromination of decabromodiphenyl ether from mangrove sediment, Environmental Science And Pollution Research, 24(6),5391-5403, Feb 2017(SCI IF=2.800, rank=82/241=34.02% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2017)
- Jung-Wei Chang, Chung-Feng Hung, Ya-Chen Hsu, Yi-Ting Kao, Ching-Chang Lee, (corresponding author)Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDES) and hexa-brominated biphenyls (Hexa-BBs) in fresh foods ingested in Taiwan, Environmental Pollution ,220, 1180-1189, Jan 2017. (SCI IF=4.358, rank=39/241=16.18% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2017).
- Nai-Yun Hsu, Yu-Chun Liu, Chia-Wei Lee, Ching-Chang Lee, Huey-Jen Su, Higher moisture content is associated with greater emissions of DEHP from PVC wallpaper, Environmental Research,152,1-6, Jan 2017(SCI IF=4.732, rank=24/241=9.961% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2017)
- Ching-Chang Lee, Ya-Chen Hsu, Yi-Ting Kao, Hsiu-Ling Chen, Health risk assessment of the intake of butyltin and phenyltin compounds from fish and seafood in Taiwanese population, Chemosphere,164, 568-575, Dec 2016 (SCI IF=4.208, rank=32/229=13.97% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2016)
- Ching-Chang Lee, Hsin-Tang Lin, Ya-Min Kao, Mei-Hua Chang, Hsiu-Ling Chen, Temporal trend of PCDD/PCDFs and dioxin like-PCBs concentrations in food from Taiwan markets during 2004–2012, JFDA, 24, 644-652, Jun 2016 (SCI IF=3.048, rank=23/129=17.83% in Food Science & Technology, JCR 2016).
- Yen-An Tsai, Ching-Ling Lin, Jia-Woei Hou, Po-Chin Huang, Meng-Chih Lee, Bai-Hsiun Chen, Ming-Tsang Wu, Chu-Chih Chen, Shu-Li Wang, Ching-Chang Lee, Chao Agnes Hsiung, Mei-Lien Chen, Effects of high di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) exposure due to tainted food intake on pre-pubertal growth characteristics in a Taiwanese population. Environmental Research, 149:197-205. Aug 2016; (SCI IF=3.835, rank=44/229=19.21% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2016)
- Chien-Yuan Huang, Cheng-Long Wu, Jin-Shang Wu, Jung-Wei Chang, Ya Yun Cheng, Yau-Chang Kuo, Yi-Ching Yang, Ching-Chang Lee (equally to the corresponding author), How-Ran Guo, Association beween Blood Dioxin Level and Chronic Kidney Disease in an Endemic Area of Exposure, PLOS ONE,11(3), e0150248, MAR 10 2016(SCI IF=2.806, rank=15/64=23.44% in Multidisciplinary Sciences, JCR 2016).
- Chu-Chih Chen , Shu-Li Wang, Ming-Tsang Wu, Yin-Han Wang, Po-Chin Huang, Bai-Hsiun Chen, Chien-Wen Sun, Chi-Kung Ho, Yang-Chih Shih, Ming-Neng Shiu, Wen-Harn Pan, Mei-Lien Chen, Ching-Chang Lee, Chao A. Hsiung,Exposure Estimation for Risk Assessment of the Phthalate Incident in Taiwan, PLOS ONE, 11(3): e0151070, MAR 9 2016 (SCI IF=2.806, rank=15/64=23.44% in Multidisciplinary Sciences, JCR 2016).
- Hsiu-Ling Chen, Ching-Chang Lee, Winn-Jung Huang, Han-Ting Huang, Yi-Chen Wu, Ya-Chen Hsu, Yi-Ting Kao, Arsenic speciation in rice and risk assessment of inorganic arsenic in Taiwan population. Environmental Sciences And Pollution Research,23(5), 4481-4488 ,MAR 2016(SCI IF=2.41, rank=79/229=34.50% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2016).
- Jung-Wei Chang, Hsiu-Ling Chen, Huey-Jen Su, Ching-Chang Lee(corresponding author). Abdominal Obesity and Insulin Resistance in People Exposed to Moderate-to-High Levels of Dioxin, PLOS ONE, 11(1): e0145818,Jan 11 2016 (SCI IF=2.806, rank=15/64=23.44% in Multidisciplinary Sciences, JCR 2016).
- Chien-Yuan Huang, Cheng-Long Wu, Yi-Ching Yang, Jung-Wei Chang, Yau-Chang Kuo, Ya-Yun Cheng, Jin-Shang Wu, Ching-Chang Lee (equally to the corresponding author), How-Ran Guo*, Association between Dioxin and Diabetes Mellitus in an Endemic Area of Exposure in Taiwan: A Population-based Study, Medicine, Volume 94, Number 42, Oct 2015 (SCI IF=2.133, rank=40/155=25.81% in Medicine, General & Internal, JCR 2015).=
- Wei-Hsiang Chang, Sih-Syuan Li, Meng-Hsing Wu, Hsien-An Pan, Ching-Chang Lee (corresponding author), Phthalates might interfere with testicular function by reducing testosterone and insulin-like factor 3 levels, Human Reproduction,Vol 30(11) , Pages 2658-2670 Nov 2015 (SCI IF=4.621, rank=4/80=5.0% in Obstetrics & Gynecology, JCR 2015).
- Jer-Pei Fong, Fang-Jin Lee, I-Syuan Lu, Shi-Nian Uang, Ching-Chang Lee (corresponding author), Relationship between urinary concentrations of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) metabolites and reproductive hormones in polyvinyl chloride production workers, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, vol 72(5), Pages 346–353,May 2015 (SCI IF=3.745, rank=22/173=12.72% in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, JCR 2015).
- Chung-Yu Chen, Yen-Yin Chou, Shio-Jean Lin, Ching-Chang Lee (corresponding author), Developing an intervention strategy to reduce phthalate exposure in Taiwanese girls, Science of the Total Environment, Vol 517, Pages 125–131, JUN 1 2015 (SCI IF=3.976, rank=32/225=14.2% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2015).
- Ching-Chang Lee, Ling-Ying Jiang, Yi-Ling Kuo, Chung-Yu Chen, Chia-Yi Hsieh, Chung-Feng Hung, Colin S. Chen, Chien-Jung Tien, Characteristics of nonylphenol and bisphenol A accumulation by fish and implications for ecological and human health, Science of the Total Environment, Vol 502, Pages 417–425, January 2015 (SCI IF=3.976, rank=32/225=14.2% in Environmental Sciences, JCR 2015).
- 職業病概論-第18章環境醫學,華杏出版股份有限公司,1998.07
- 職業病概論二版-第21章環境衛生、第22章危險性評估,華杏出版股份有限公司,2002.5.
- 職業病概論三版-第21章環境衛生、第22章危險性評估、第25章環境荷爾蒙及持久性有機污染物,華杏出版股份有限公司,2007.11.
- Handbook of Growth and Growth Monitoring in Health and Disease, Chapter 69:Phthalates and SexualMaturation and Growth:A Focus on Effects of Phthalates Exposure, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012..
- 空氣污染控制與管理-第7章空氣污染與國民健康福祉,高立圖書,2014.01.01
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- 安心吃、放心用,權威環境毒物專家教你輕鬆打造無毒生活:毒雞蛋、毒澱粉、塑化劑……生活中隱藏著各種不能吃、不能用的秘密,環境毒物權威教你輕輕鬆鬆一次全破解!,平安文化,2017.10.16.